What to Do if You Encounter a Raccoon in Your Home

What to Do if You Encounter a Raccoon in Your Home

Raccoons, while often seen as cute and mischievous creatures, can become a significant problem when they find their way into homes. Known for their dexterity and curiosity, raccoons can cause considerable damage and pose health risks.

Encountering a raccoon indoors can be a startling experience, and it's crucial to handle the situation calmly and effectively. This article provides a comprehensive guide on what to do if you encounter a raccoon in your home, ensuring both your safety and that of the animal.

Understanding the Raccoon Intruder

Raccoons are nocturnal mammals that thrive in both urban and rural environments. They are known for their intelligence and adaptability, often scavenging for food in human habitats.

Raccoons are particularly drawn to homes in search of food, shelter, and safe nesting spots.

raccoon in a backyard

Common Reasons Raccoons Enter Homes

  • Food Sources: Easy access to food, whether it's pet food, garbage, or pantry items, can attract raccoons into homes.
  • Shelter: During colder months, raccoons seek warm and safe places to shelter, making attics, basements, and chimneys ideal spots.
  • Nesting: Female raccoons looking for a secure place to raise their young may enter homes.

Immediate Steps to Take

If you find a raccoon in your home, it's essential to stay calm and follow these steps to ensure a safe resolution.

1. Keep Your Distance
Raccoons can become aggressive if they feel threatened. Keep a safe distance to avoid any potential injury. Do not attempt to touch or corner the raccoon.

2. Isolate the Raccoon
If possible, confine the raccoon to a single room by closing all doors that lead to other parts of the house. This will prevent it from causing further disruption and make it easier to guide it outside.

3. Provide an Exit Path
Open a window or an exterior door to give the raccoon an easy escape route. Remove any obstacles that might hinder its path. Use a broom or similar object to gently guide the raccoon towards the exit, maintaining a safe distance.

4. Do Not Engage
Avoid making loud noises or sudden movements, as these can scare the raccoon and cause it to act unpredictably. Keep pets and children away from the area to prevent any accidental encounters.

raccoon in a backyard at night

When to Call for Professional Help

While many raccoon encounters can be resolved with the steps above, there are situations where professional assistance is necessary.

1. If the Raccoon is Trapped
If the raccoon is stuck in a difficult-to-reach area, such as inside a wall or chimney, do not attempt to retrieve it yourself. Contact a wildlife removal expert who has the tools and experience to safely extricate the animal.

2. If the Raccoon Appears Sick or Injured
Raccoons can carry diseases such as rabies, which can pose serious health risks. If the raccoon appears disoriented, lethargic, or exhibits aggressive behavior, contact animal control immediately.

3. If There Are Babies Involved
If you discover a mother raccoon with her young, it's best to call a professional. Handling a raccoon family requires special care to ensure the safety of both the animals and your household.

Preventing Future Intrusions

After successfully removing the raccoon, it's important to take preventive measures to avoid future intrusions.

Secure Food Sources

  • Store food, including pet food, in airtight containers.
  • Regularly clean up food spills and secure garbage cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Avoid leaving food out overnight, especially on porches or patios.

Seal Entry Points

  • Inspect your home for potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof, chimney openings, and vents.
  • Repair any damage and use materials like metal mesh or heavy-duty screens to seal openings.
  • Install chimney caps to prevent raccoons from entering through the chimney.

Maintain Your Property

  • Keep your yard clean and free of debris that could provide shelter or attract raccoons.
  • Trim tree branches that provide easy access to your roof.
  • Remove fallen fruits or nuts from your yard promptly.
raccoon in a garden

Check Our Website for Solutions

For efficient and eco-friendly raccoon repellents, visit our website.

We offer a range of solutions designed to help you keep raccoons and other wildlife out of your home safely and humanely.


Encountering a raccoon in your home can be alarming, but by staying calm and following the appropriate steps, you can resolve the situation safely. Understanding why raccoons enter homes and taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the chances of future encounters.

Remember, professional help is always available if needed, and for more effective repellents, check out the products on our website.

By being proactive and prepared, you can protect your home and ensure a harmonious coexistence with wildlife.

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